Believers don't have this problem, do they? That can't be right.

Is it possible for a Christian to suffer from unbelief? It sounds like an oxymoron. An unbelieving believer seems as ridiculous and self-cancelling as jumbo shrimp and government organization, yet, Mark 9:14-29 illustrates how unbelief can undermine the power and effectiveness of believers. Dell Tacket opens the Truth Project with the classic question, "do you believe that what you believe is really real?" Most of us, upon a thorough examination of our hearts, would have to answer no. We want to believe with that kind of whole-hearted faith, but we struggle with unbelief.

How do we know we struggle? Because if we didn't struggle with unbelief, we would be unstoppable. Unbelief hinders us on every front. How many times do we say things like, "I don't believe it," "I doubt that will happen," "Unbelievable!" Our vocabulary alone proves the point. Yet, Jesus tells us "EVERYTHING is possible to the one who believes." (Mark 9:23) 

Jesus' disciples failed to drive out a demon because of unbelief combined with a lack of preparation. Our unbelief will cause us to be unprepared. If we don't believe that we can overcome, that we have authority in Christ, that we are able to move mountains, then we won't invest the time in prayer and fasting that it takes to be truly on the same page with God so that we have full access to His power and authority. 

When we pray from a position of unbelief, what do we expect to happen? What does Scripture tell us we can expect? Look up James 1:6-8. Woah. When I first came across these verses they knocked me flat out. I felt conviction like never before. I realized that I was guilty of unbelief, and I was that unstable man - double-minded! No wonder my prayer life was dry! 

Don't worry - there's a solution here. We must repent of our unbelief, root it out from every corner of our hearts and minds where we harbor it - and lay it down in surrender. Then we must walk forward in full confidence - full belief - and ask God to increase our faith so that we don't fall back into our old ways. Mark 9:24, the father says, "I do believe! Help my unbelief." We can pray this prayer and God will help us.

The Bible is complete in its motivation and resolve about this topic. We can read about rewards for our belief and consequences if we hold on to our unbelief. It is my prayer that you will deal with your unbelief today so that you will walk with confidence and fulfill the ministry that God has called you to with all power and authority.

1 comment:

Laura J. Marshall said...

Great devotional! Thanks so much!