Confronting unbelief – face it now and be prepared to stand firm

The believer who confronts unbelief in his/her life is often faced with a larger task than expected. We define ourselves by the very word we have to defend in our own hearts, and acknowledging our lack in this area can send us into a spiritual despair. Don’t let the enemy do that to you. You can confront unbelief and overcome it without being crushed by the weight of it. When I faced my unbelief for the first time, I withdrew and allowed the enemy to cause me to question my salvation, but I’m here to tell you that if you are a Christian, confronting your unbelief is not necessarily about your salvation.

I will also tell you that it is vital to your Christian walk to deal with your unbelief and repent. I will go so far as to say that repentance is vital to your salvation, in all things, not just unbelief – so in that regard, it can *become* a salvation issue, but the fact that you are willing to face it, own up to it, and repent proves that the enemy is wrong in any accusation he may bring against you.

Unbelief is sneaky. Even spiritual giants battle with it. Intercessors who believe for supernatural healings and believe for revival in their cities can struggle to believe that God will help them find their keys or bring an escaped housecat back home. Pastors can lovingly shepherd hundreds of people and pray for their marriages, their finances, their health, their spiritual growth, all the while suffering with financial and health issues of their own. Unbelief is pervasive in the Body of Christ and it’s time we shine light on it and deal with it openly together. We believe in the big stuff – and we can put on a good show believing on behalf of others, but it’s time to get real.

I made a list. One side for the things I easily believe in and for, like God, Jesus, the Bible, Creation, God’s love for me, and one side for things over which I battle unbelief like personal healing, finances, certain relationships, and a score of little things. I use it to remind myself that if I can believe in the big things, I can also believe for the small things. If I believe He heals the sick, I can believe He will heal me when I’m sick. You may discover what I did, that unbelief is often at the personal level, which makes it harder to overcome, yet more important. We need to have full confidence in God’s Word as it applies to every aspect of our personal lives and situations in order to walk confidently in His love, power and authority. 

Confronting unbelief will become even more important in the times to come. We must deal with this now, because a time will come when we will be faced with outrageous situations that will test us beyond what we can imagine. Jesus tells us in Matthew 24:13 – “the one who endures to the end will be saved.” In order to stand firm, we must not hold on to unbelief. We must be prepared so we can stand.

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