Bigger issues of Unbelief…yes, even in the Church.

If we’re going to talk about unbelief in a real way, we need to address a few topics that you might not suspect are even an issue. It’s more common than you think for people  in the church to be serving, giving, participating…and not really believing at all. 

Don’t make the assumption that everyone in your church is already born-again. Actually, there are likely to be many who are not. The pastor who skips giving a salvation message because he looks out and only sees the “regulars” is doing his church a great disservice. People come to church for all kinds of reasons. Many are seeking, many want the community interaction, and even more think they’ve got their “Jesus Card” when in fact, they may be on their way to hell. The first unbelief to get real about in the Church is the basic faith in God, the acceptance of Jesus as savior. 

I’ve seen this many times, and most heartbreaking is the faithful servant whose life has become so self-focused and cynical that they begin to doubt the entire concept of faith, and God Himself. Keep your eyes open for wounded warriors, saints who are weary and discouraged. When you can come alongside these children of God and prop them up, minister to them and help them get out of the cloud of doubt and disillusionment the enemy wraps them in, the Bible has a special blessing for you – James 5:19-20

The second and more common unbelief in the Church is in the Bible itself. Barna research turned up this startling statistic - 21% of self-professing born again Christians don’t believe the Bible is the inspired, inerrant Word of God. Does that surprise you? I’ve heard so many arguments from Christians on this issue. Many bring it down to the fallacy of people, translators, and versions but they don’t accept that their unbelief or distrust of the Bible as we have it today undermines their faith at the core. We must trust God – that He would preserve His word for us. 

Yes, there are perverted paraphrases and versions out there, and we must be discerning consumers. But, there are trusted versions that we can and must stand on. Yes, there are remnant scraps being translated and distributed from the Dead Sea Scrolls that present various challenges, yes, there are non-canon books, and yes, the Catholic Church made decisions that some people take issue with, but again – we must trust God, that what we have is what we need and is enough to sustain us until Jesus’ return. He is sovereign, He knew what would be included in our scriptures, He approved and ordained it. 2 Timothy 3:16

Most importantly, we need to understand that to reject the authority of the Bible is to reject Jesus. “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.” John 1:1. “The Word became flesh and took up residence among us.” John 1:14. “He wore a robe stained with blood, and His name is called the Word of God.” Revelation 19:13. 

Unbelief at this level really is about salvation. Our churches are full of people who are on the road to death because of this kind of unbelief, and we need to be addressing it. If you are one who struggles with these core issues, it is my prayer that you will be brave and seek counsel from a trusted pastor or elder. Be brutally honest about your faith crisis so they can come along side you and help you with your unbelief. It’s not God’s will that any should perish, and if you are already in the church, your leadership must answer to God for you if you are lost. Hebrews 13:17, 2 Corinthians 13:7

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Unbelief stems from two elements of which I want to just briefly expound on. The first unbelief is doubt where there is no faith but the desire to believe. The second form of unbelief is just simply the hardening of the heart where one refuses to believe. It is more important than ever before for people to come out of the dark and into the pathways of light where salvation is present.

I can recall a time in my young adulthood where I was searching for a place to worship. I was trying to make the message that I was reading in my bible meet up with the word that was spoken from the pulpits. I had to keep walking and praying. The churches that I found myself in where salvation was being taught didn’t save lives but instead led them further from the truth. I am glad for the ability to be able to discern such practices. I was searching for the truth from the word. Everybody to put it plainly is not called to grab a microphone and lead the people to the Lord. If not careful the popularity contest and the mockery deceives people whom are already lost and the unbelief continues to circulate. That is much of what we see today.

Many people that I have spoken or shared the word with God are in amazement. I often ask why. They often say things like. They were made to believe that the sins that once committed had them condemned and they were hell bound anyway so why try. Others would say they were made to believe they had to be perfect. My prayer is that people would come to know God for themselves and stay in the word. Lord that people would only take up their cross and follow you. When you have salvation you are bound by the promises spoken. Salvation changes people and brings them into a new season. Salvation draws you to God not away from him. Let not the people be deceived by unbelief from the ways of the world but have faith and belief that there is nobody greater than He.