When will Jesus return?

There's simply no denying that we are in the end of the end days. Prophecy is unfolding by the minute, politics are a three ring circus, and society's debauchery competition is in full swing. Christians who have even one clue about current events suspect that the end is near. Does that frighten you?

Many teachers and theologians have for the last 500 years tried to sell the Church a bill of goods that is unscriptural when it comes to these last days. Most believers agree that the Bible gives us hope that Jesus will "rapture" us, catch us up in the sky, remove us before destroying the earth. There are many points to debate and discuss when it comes to end times studies or "Eschatology," but the timing of the rapture as it has been prophesied is one issue that should be easy to agree upon. Unfortunately, a huge number of leaders have ignored Scripture, taken it out of context (what I call cherry picking) and have lied to generation upon generation of believers.

What is that lie?

That the rapture will take place before "anything bad" happens - or the Tribulation begins - or the anti-christ is revealed - or the Mark of the Beast is mandated - or food and fuel prices go sky high...

A major portion of believers today seriously don't study Revelation or end times prophecy at all, because they have been told it does not apply to them, they will be "gone by then." Not only is this faulty theology, it's flat out fabrication, conjecture, and lies. Leaders who give false comfort and don't educate their flocks will answer to God, and believers who remain under this false teaching once they've read the Truth for themselves in God's Word will find it an oppressive environment and their eyes will be opened to the deadness of that house.

This is very simple. You don't even have to crack Revelation to learn the Truth, and it's so important that you understand it, that in most Bibles, it's even typed out in red. Turn to Matthew chapter 24. Jesus is fresh off an epic rant cursing the religious leaders in the house of God. His pulse was probably still racing, his eyes red with the tears of fury and grief. He had just laid down heavy words of prophecy about not only the leaders but all the Jews living at that time. His disciples weren't even phased...they wanted to chat about the architecture.  Those guys were real goofs until the Holy Spirit got a hold of them.

But they asked Jesus a question later that day, and Jesus started talking...and didn't stop for two chapters. One question...LONG answer. This was one of the last conversations Jesus had with them, the last recorded in Matthew before the Last Supper and his betrayal. He knew what was happening. He knew his time with them was ending - and he had very important information to leave with them.

Matthew 24 & 25 answer the question "When will this happen, and WHAT WILL BE THE SIGN OF YOUR COMING AND OF THE END OF THE AGE?"

Psst...hey...theologians...take out your highlighter!

Homework - Read Matthew 24 & 25 together. Read them twice. Read them out loud. If you have any "AHA" moments, please leave a comment here. I'll come back another day and break them down in another post, but you shouldn't need me. Jesus is very clear.

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