Distraction, Discouragement, Denial

Five years I've neglected this blog, and not because I had nothing to say. The enemy has many tools (schemes, the Bible calls them) and we are supposed to be aware and prepared to overcome them at every turn. Alas, we often succumb.

Five years ago I became pregnant with my youngest son and "baby brain" took me over for the better part of two years. Distraction.

In 2009, God very clearly called me to action, but I was in a new state, new church, new life, unsure of how to proceed, with no mentors in sight. Instead of getting busy, I shut down. Discouragement.

By 2011 I was knee deep in ministry busy-work spinning on the man-pleasing wheel of religion and I didn't even realize it. The very thing I rail against, I had fallen victim to. Denial.

Praise God that in September 2011, He shook our world and brought us back into order. Of course, that meant leaving the lives we had created, leaving our church, our friends, our jobs. We were snapped awake as if from hypnosis. God provided teachers and mentors even in our solitude. He has been our provider, healer, protector, comfort - in tangible ways. He has revealed Himself miraculously through visions, angelic interactions, signs and wonders.

After a period of rest, it's time now to get back to God's business. Recently, through a new friend, God spoke and literally reminded me of this blog using the very words from my header as she encouraged me to write.

I have no idea what God will do here, or what tone future posts will take, but I'm ready to listen, to transcribe, to share - as He leads. No more spinning on the wheel of religion. No more ministry busy-work to please man. I have a job to do that supersedes any task man can give me, and I have neglected it far too long. I have repented of my sin, and am ready to be used of God in this season.

Distraction, Discouragement and Denial are schemes of the enemy, and I will no longer fall victim to them. I pray that God will put words in my mouth and at my fingertips, and that I will proclaim them with boldness to whomever, whenever, where ever He wills it.

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