Bio-tech, Data mining, Immigration Reform & Prophecy - What you need to know.

There are several forms of biotech that I've been keeping watch on over the years and researching. The book I co-wrote with my husband might be fiction, but it deals with the kind of clandestine shadow-government activities that are going on and the baby steps these people are taking in individual governments as well as the United Nations to prepare for what Christians know as the "Mark of the Beast." So, I've been researching and learning about all things potentially "Mark-related" for many years.

Of course, that's not what it will be called, nor will any of the steps leading to it show a quantifiable threat, but instead they will seem necessary, understandable, to protect the public from real, potential, or fabricated threats. No, instead, each step will be easily adopted by the masses who have been conditioned to want the newest, hottest, even most expensive technology. Objectors will be ridiculed, ostracized, discredited, vilified, and eventually eliminated.

Even many, if not MOST, Christians will be seduced into participating at every step, partly because they are unaware of the big picture, but mostly because they are unaware of God's picture - they haven't read and understood the Bible's warnings and instructions about this very time in human history.

Many Christians who ARE aware are being deceived because the
steps to this Mark are so small and they don't line up WORD FOR WORD with one or two verses in the Bible. But can we assume we know for certain how to line up future potential events with prophecy? Prophecy only fully can be understood in RETROSPECT.

Until something is fulfilled, it remains somewhat enigmatic. If that were not true, there would be NO disagreements between theologians and scholars about eschatology and how to organize God's timeline. Instead, there have been many debates, and there are no fewer than four rock-solid teachings about what is yet to come...not to say that the BIBLE is the problem, but our expectations are wrong. Who are WE to tell God how to fulfill HIS plan?

Instead, we must study Scripture for OURSELVES, and do our OWN due diligence now - with the benefit of TODAY'S headlines, which theologians and scholars from a hundred years ago didn't have. Prophecy is being fulfilled every day in OUR news - and we must line it up with the Word, look at it through the lens of Scripture, so WE can discern where we are in God's timeline, and what to expect to happen next.

Some events prophesied are big and obvious, like the coming WW3 from Ezekiel 38 & 39 (which is NOT the same as "Armageddon"), while others are obscure and we don't yet know if the Bible means them to be symbolic or literal. The Mark of the Beast is one such thing.

John the Revelator could not have understood from his first century perspective many of the images that God revealed to him on the Isle of Patmos. He used words he knew, imagery he could understand, to as accurately as possible describe things he couldn't even begin to comprehend. Modern warfare tools like airplanes, bombs, and tanks - modern technology like televisions, holograms, cell phones, surveillance...even newspaper headlines (scrolls?) and the pomp and circumstance of the Vatican.

When we look at prophecy from that understanding, we have no choice but to hold it loosely, taking new information like a random puzzle piece and carefully turning it this way and that to find where it might fit into what is already assembled on the table. We can see the image fragment on the piece, and we can see the emerging yet incomplete image on the table, and we have the box lid (the Bible) but the lid image is pixelated. So we carefully examine the piece in our hand against the pixelated box using the solid colors areas as benchmarks so we know where on the puzzle to begin looking to fit our piece.

With the Mark, we have a few solid color spots on the box - the first and largest is that it will be MANDATED in order to buy or sell anything. Revelation 13:17. This implies that the Mark will be tied to our banking system, and since we all get paid in checks that have to run through a bank, we can draw a reasonable conclusion that the Mark's implementation will cause us to not be able to cash or have access to our paychecks. In fact, to draw it further, we may not even be allowed to work in the first place without the Mark.

This MANDATE is the key. There are many steps that have already been taken, but so far, none have created an environment where you can't work, make deposits, withdrawals, purchases or sales without complying with a government mandated bio-ID system.

Why bio-ID? One more important solid color spot on the box from our analogy is found in Revelation 14:9, that the Mark is something personal that will be on our hand or forehead. This is not going to be a card you carry in your wallet, or a paper you sign. This will be physical in some way and personal. It's a mistake to assume that we can take this prophecy SO literally that we accept anything that isn’t EXACTLY a visible mark on our hands or foreheads. Instead, put yourself in the apostle John’s shoes. As God is showing him snapshots of OUR time, our reality, he uses HIS life experiences to try to relate what he sees.
Consider these photos that show what getting an initial iris scan looks like, and how it can look to have your iris scan verified in a public setting. Put yourself in John’s world, looking at something like this – and imagine how you might explain it.

1. A child getting scanned in Tampa, FL, without parental consent in June 2013. Note that the device is placed against his forehead. It is unclear what is being transacted here. Is the device taking something, or leaving something? Without your 21st century understanding, could you be certain one way or another?

2. A Pakistani council member’s identity is verified before a meeting. Note that his right hand is at his forehead and a device is in front of his face. Would it be obvious to first century John what is going on here? Is the man moving his headpiece out of the way for the device? Pointing to the area to be examined?  

3. Students at this grade school are already using hand scans to pay for their lunches. Notice - it's her right hand. We don’t know what John saw, but he saw something – repeatedly he says “then I looked,” or “then I saw,” as the angels spoke to help him understand.

Lest anyone think that I’m trying to reword or take anything away from Revelation, let me continue by acknowledging that the angel’s wording is specific in both Revelation 13:16 and 14:9, that there will be something RECEIVED, and it is implied that it will be visible on the right hand or forehead. 

Biotech reading is not something that all companies and cities will be 100% prepared to implement, nor will it work in the event that the power is down. Large retailers like JCPenney can go completely cashless, and eliminate even cashiers, favoring instead an RFID system that automatically reads your items, calculates your total, and wirelessly transfers the money from you using (for now) your already RFID-capable debit or credit card. (JCPenney has announced they are doing in 2013).  Their systems will already be able to shift to using your bioID scan instead of a card. 

But mom & pop stores don’t have the money for such elaborate systems. They will need another way. When you walk in their door, they will need a down and dirty visible way to know you have the right to even shop there. You can imagine that in a world where many are not scanned into the system, there will be those who in desperation try to walk in and walk out with goods, knowing they haven’t been processed in a way that will allow that store to charge them properly. So, what can a small retailer do, other than use security cameras already in place now to somehow visually be able to tell that the person walking in has been properly registered to make these “cashless” purchases at their little store. That will require a visible mark. 

At first, retailers will probably use a cheap hand-held scanner to scan your iris or hand at their counter as a transitional form of transaction until the government gets around to installing exit scanners at every establishment, so no one has to stop at a cashier counter again. Retailers, schools, government buildings and many employers with “metal detectors” at their doors are already prepared for this new technology. One small insert to the framework of those detectors, and their bioID reading system goes live. Even now, most retailers at least in America use scanning technology at their registers. With a simple software upgrade and slight tweaks to the laser sensitivities of the scanners, existing registers can be upgraded to scan the palm of your hand.

Years ago, I was part of a team that implemented scanning of UPC codes for the first time in a retail setting. Even then, in the training seminars I attended, the company was not shy in casting the vision for this very system that I am now describing. The timeline they gave us is even lining up precisely with the timing these things are coming through from our government. This has all been in the works for close to fifty years.

Why give you all this detail and backstory?

Because the Mark wasn’t social security numbers. The Mark wasn’t UPC codes. The Mark wasn’t price scanning. The Mark wasn’t magnetic strips. The Mark wasn’t RealID. The Mark wasn’t RFID security tags. The Mark wasn’t RFID chips. But all of that technology and our easy adoption of it has been leading up to what the Mark WILL be. We may go through a few more rounds of “this isn’t it” before we are truly faced with the Mark of the Beast, but I guarantee you that it will not look EXACTLY like anyone is expecting. You will NOT be faced with the decision to “follow God, or follow Satan.” It isn’t going to be that easy.

This is about money – and trust. Who do you trust? If your trust is in yourself and your ability to provide for your family…if your trust is in the government and their ability to keep you safe and look out for your wellbeing…if your trust is in your bank account or your ACCESS to your money…you are at risk.

The day is coming…VERY SOON…when you will be forced to make a choice. It won’t be an obvious choice. But you will have to choose to place your trust in money and government, or place your trust in God. 

What do I mean by very soon?

Locked deep within the language for the new immigration bill is the requirement…the MANDATE…that in order to HAVE A JOB you must submit to an iris scan, fingerprinting or hand scan. Many companies already require fingerprinting, and some positions require an employee to be “bonded” which also takes a significant amount of personal data. Until now, none of this bio-data has been required by the government for any private sector jobs – but has been voluntarily implemented by employers. 

That is the key. Just like with the health care bill, some form of this immigration bill will get passed, and soon. And just like the HCB, they will likely tell us “we have to pass it to know what’s in it” (-Nancy Pelosi). The HCB laid the groundwork for the national database, and provided funding for the human tagging initiative. What do they mean by that? We are still learning. But the immigration bill reveals another layer – with iris scans and hand scans.

We may not know what the Mark will EXACTLY look like, but we have clues as to how it will function, what it will provide access to, and most importantly, that it will not be voluntary. It will be required in order to transact purchases or sales. Access to money. Freedom to receive money and spend money. Your paycheck is a PAYMENT for a SERVICE rendered. If you can’t SELL your service, you can’t get PAID. If you can’t get paid, you can’t BUY things or PAY your bills.

All of this – while it is VOLUNTARY is not a threat. I hope that is clear. Technology alone cannot damn anyone to hell. It’s when our access to money and livelihood becomes restricted unless you submit to an invasive bio-technology because of a government REQUIREMENT…that it BECOMES the Mark.

This is about money – and the mandate. Don’t hold on to one idea so tightly that you allow yourself to be deceived with the masses when this thing happens.

Keep reading in Revelation – what is the consequence for ignorance and/or willful participation in this “Mark” program? Revelation 14:9-12 gives the complete picture, and ends with “here is the endurance of the saints, who keep the commandments of God and keep faith in Jesus.” It will require endurance, and we will have to focus on Jesus, and keep God’s commandments. “No other gods before Me” – the first commandment in Exodus 20:3. That means not money, or government, or self. Matthew 6:24 – “No one can be a slave of two masters, since either he will hate one and love the other, or be devoted to one and despise the other. You cannot be slaves of God and of money.

What is important to you? Where do you place your trust? Are you willing to make the impossible decision that is coming your way?

Some who read this will be irritated with me, and insist that Jesus will “catch up” his Bride, the Church before all of this comes to pass. I hope you’re right – because I’m ready to go, and I’d rather not have to deal with these things. But Scripture doesn’t support that thinking…so I am prepared to wait for Jesus through these things. 

In Matthew 24:15, Jesus is giving the timeline for the very end days, and well before verse 30, when he explains the “catching up” or rapture, he sends the reader to Daniel to research about the “abomination that causes desolation.” If you follow Jesus’ own cross-reference, we find a few verses that deal with this abomination that causes desolation. The first is in Daniel 7:27, which explains the Anti-Christ/Lawless one/Beast/Desolator will make a covenant (treaty) and then break it, and that the treaty will pertain to the temple in Jerusalem and the right to perform sacrifices on it. Since we don’t yet have a third temple, and the Jews haven’t been able to perform daily sacrifices since the second temple was destroyed in 70ad, we are still waiting for this to be fulfilled.

This is why along with watching and researching bio-tech advancements, I also watch what’s going on in Israel and the Middle East - and I see, along with many who also watch, that the Jews are indeed ready to build their temple, and are practicing for the day when they can reinstate the daily sacrifices. Much is happening around the world in converging prophetic fulfillment so that all of these things will line up and fit together in that puzzle we’re working on understanding.

If you insert that Daniel passage into Jesus’ Matthew 24 teaching, it’s easy to understand that the Anti-Christ and his “abomination that causes desolation” will come before the rapture. Another passage that explains this is 2 Thessalonians chapter 2. Don’t make the mistake of pulling just one or two verses out of this passage and holding on to them out of context. Read the entire chapter. The same can be said of 1 Thessalonians 4:13 and chapter 5. Read the whole passage. Don’t let yourself be deceived – there are MANY misdirections and half-truths as well as flat out lies floating around about where we are in God’s timeline and what is coming next.

This is happening in your lifetime. Face it – prepare for it – teach your children. 

God WILL take care of ALL who choose Him. 

The rest doom themselves to hell, no matter how they’ve spent their lives. This is the generation that will be required to CONFIRM our covenant with God by choosing Him instead of money.

“He who stands firm to the end will be saved.” Matthew 24:13.

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