Why the focus on Jesus when end times prophecy is all over the Bible?

Anyone seeking clues as to what's going on in the world can look at any number of passages in any number of books of the Bible to read about end times prophecy, and it's all good stuff. You can read Daniel, Zechariah, Joel, Isaiah, Ezekiel, and of course, Revelation. There's no shortage of prophecy and clues to be pulled together from Scripture, but for the busy Christian living life today, it takes too much time to analyze the news, compare it to these various references, consult experts, etc.

The good news is, that's ok. Most of us want a "nutshell" version to stick in our pocket and just reference as needed. We don't need details, we just need the truth laid out plain and simple in a chapter or two. One spot. God in His infinite wisdom planned ahead for us. We have a nutshell that we can rely on without getting caught up in speculating which horn is the third one, and who is the rider on the red horse.

If you've been following this blog, a few entries ago there was homework. Matthew 24 & 25. If you haven't read those two chapters recently, please STOP here and go read them. *Then come back.*



You done? If you want, go back and highlight each time Jesus uses the word "then." He's putting a timeline together - with an order. Nothing will happen in a different order than Jesus gives us here.

How about that? Did you find the nutshell you've been looking for? (even if it's not a comfortable one) Jesus is so clear in his reply to the disciples. He lays it all out for us so plainly, there should be no confusion. Don't get caught up in other folks who pull one verse from here and another from there to try to prove a point that makes them feel better. Jesus gives us the exact plan and order so we know what to expect, and then he gives us parables to tell us what to do in this time.

Jesus was speaking frankly with his beloveds. He used no flowery language or heavenly illustrations. We can jump to other places he references so we understand better, but we don't have to. It's all there. (We will in other posts on this blog, however, if you'd like to follow and dig deeper together)

Get intimately familiar with Matthew 24 & 25. It's the nutshell you're going to need. Share it with people you love. It's life saving.

Why should we focus so narrowly on Jesus when end times prophecy is all over the Bible? In the interest of time and sanity for the busy believer - if being a Watchman is just not your calling - then heed the quintessential call to endurance in Hebrews 12:1&2 and "look unto Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith." Let Jesus give you peace and understanding for your family in these uncertain times.

**There are many views about the end times, the rapture, the second coming, the tribulation, etc. Any view that contradicts Jesus's words can't be valid. That there are views that do contradict doesn't mean that the Bible contradicts itself, it means that theologians over the millennia have taken verses out of context to agree with their personal opinions, or their perspective. Prophecy only really makes sense in retrospect - because it's not meant to be an actual roadmap. The angels tell many of the prophets to "seal these words/this vision up" and things are hidden from us. Such is the nature of prophecy. But Jesus wasn't really in that same mode in Matthew 24. He was being very matter of fact and simple with the disciples. It was the last message he delivered to them before the Last Supper. It was of the utmost importance.**


Precarious Yates said...

This is so crucial, so crucial. Thank you for sharing. I also liked what you had to say about the many different views about the end times. There is no clearer road map than what Jesus gave, and it won't be different from that.

Mikayla Kayne said...

Thank you for commenting. I feel so strongly that many believers have been deceived and it's crucial, as you said, that we get our focus back on Jesus - so we can "stand firm TO THE END."

God bless you sister!