Last Safe Haven

As prophesy is fulfilled, we will become persecuted on our own turf. The only country in the world that was founded for the express purpose of having the freedom to be Christians and celebrate our Christian faith is about to become one of the last countries to make being a Christian illegal.

I'm not being alarmist...and it's not a reason to fear. The church flourishes when it's persecuted - we see that all over the planet and throughout history. God is bringing revival to our land...but it will not look like it on the surface!

Don't be afraid. Face the coming challenges with a joyful heart and firm resolve.

Be Educated - don't pretend it's not happening or you will be left defenseless. Educate your loved ones and your children, so they will also be prepared and steadfast.

We should rejoice that we might be the generation that sees the fulfillment of all things. This is a most exciting time to be a believer!

Don't give in to those who seek to silence you as you proclaim the Good News. Blessed are those who are imprisoned for speaking the truth of Salvation!

But in this time - our focus should be on that. Sharing the Gospel and leading others to Christ, this is of eternal importance more than debate and being activists about specific issues. ALL that matters is their souls.

If they give their lives to Him, He will address and convict them on the sin in their lives. We should not be calling out sin after sin, but continuing to point the way to the cross. Salvation is all that matters.

As Christians, the tendency is to feel like we should be in damage-control mode now. Running around making petitions and actively opposing laws and trying to make changes in society - but God's message was not to "Go forth and be activists." It was..and is..."Go forth and made disciples of all nations"

And what is the first thing Jesus said when he called his disciples?

"Follow me."

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